Module nitric.api.documents
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# Copyright (c) 2021 Nitric Technologies Pty Ltd.
# This file is part of Nitric Python 3 SDK.
# See for further info.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, AsyncIterator, Union, Any, Tuple
from grpclib import GRPCError
from nitric.api.const import MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH
from nitric.exception import exception_from_grpc_error
from nitric.proto.nitric.document.v1 import (
Collection as CollectionMessage,
Key as KeyMessage,
Expression as ExpressionMessage,
Document as DocumentMessage,
from nitric.utils import new_default_channel, _dict_from_struct, _struct_from_dict
class CollectionDepthException(Exception):
"""The max depth of document sub-collections has been exceeded."""
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class DocumentRef:
"""A reference to a document in a collection."""
_documents: Documents
parent: CollectionRef
id: str
def collection(self, name: str) -> CollectionRef:
Return a reference to a sub-collection of this document.
This is currently only supported to one level of depth.
e.g. Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').doc('d') is valid,
Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').doc('d').collection('e') is invalid (1 level too deep).
current_depth = self.parent.sub_collection_depth()
if current_depth >= MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH:
# Collection nesting is only supported to a maximum depth.
raise CollectionDepthException(
f"sub-collections supported to a depth of {MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH}, "
f"attempted to create new collection with depth {current_depth + 1}"
return CollectionRef(_documents=self._documents, name=name, parent=self)
async def get(self) -> Document:
"""Retrieve the contents of this document, if it exists."""
response = await self._documents._stub.get(
return _document_from_wire(documents=self._documents, message=response.document)
except GRPCError as grpc_err:
raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
async def set(self, content: dict):
Set the contents of this document.
If the document exists it will be updated, otherwise a new document will be created.
await self._documents._stub.set(
except GRPCError as grpc_err:
raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
async def delete(self):
"""Delete this document, if it exists."""
await self._documents._stub.delete(
except GRPCError as grpc_err:
raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
def _document_from_wire(documents: Documents, message: DocumentMessage) -> Document:
ref = _doc_ref_from_wire(documents=documents, message=message.key)
return Document(
def _doc_ref_to_wire(ref: DocumentRef) -> KeyMessage:
return KeyMessage(, collection=_collection_to_wire(ref.parent))
def _doc_ref_from_wire(documents: Documents, message: KeyMessage) -> DocumentRef:
return DocumentRef(
parent=_collection_from_wire(documents=documents, message=message.collection),
def _collection_to_wire(ref: CollectionRef) -> CollectionMessage:
if ref.is_sub_collection():
return CollectionMessage(, parent=_doc_ref_to_wire(ref.parent) if ref.parent else None)
return CollectionMessage(
def _collection_from_wire(documents: Documents, message: CollectionMessage) -> CollectionRef:
return CollectionRef(
parent=_doc_ref_from_wire(documents=documents, message=message.parent) if message.parent else None,
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class CollectionRef:
"""A reference to a collection of documents."""
_documents: Documents
name: str
parent: Union[DocumentRef, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None)
def doc(self, doc_id: str) -> DocumentRef:
"""Return a reference to a document in the collection."""
return DocumentRef(_documents=self._documents, parent=self, id=doc_id)
def collection(self, name: str) -> CollectionGroupRef:
Return a reference to a sub-collection of this document.
This is currently only supported to one level of depth.
e.g. Documents().collection('a').collection('b').doc('c') is valid,
Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').collection('d') is invalid (1 level too deep).
current_depth = self.sub_collection_depth()
if current_depth >= MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH:
# Collection nesting is only supported to a maximum depth.
raise CollectionDepthException(
f"sub-collections supported to a depth of {MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH}, "
f"attempted to create new collection with depth {current_depth + 1}"
return CollectionGroupRef(_documents=self._documents, name=name, parent=self)
def query(
paging_token: Any = None,
limit: int = 0,
expressions: Union[Expression, List[Expression]] = None,
) -> QueryBuilder:
"""Return a query builder scoped to this collection."""
return QueryBuilder(
expressions=[expressions] if isinstance(expressions, Expression) else expressions,
def sub_collection_depth(self) -> int:
"""Return the depth of this collection, which is a count of the parents above this collection."""
if not self.is_sub_collection():
return 0
return self.parent.parent.sub_collection_depth() + 1
def is_sub_collection(self):
"""Return True if this collection is a sub-collection of a document in another collection."""
return self.parent is not None
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class CollectionGroupRef:
"""A reference to a collection group."""
_documents: Documents
name: str
parent: Union[CollectionRef, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None)
def query(
paging_token: Any = None,
limit: int = 0,
expressions: Union[Expression, List[Expression]] = None,
) -> QueryBuilder:
"""Return a query builder scoped to this collection."""
return QueryBuilder(
expressions=[expressions] if isinstance(expressions, Expression) else expressions,
def sub_collection_depth(self) -> int:
"""Return the depth of this collection group, which is a count of the parents above this collection."""
if not self.is_sub_collection():
return 0
return self.parent.sub_collection_depth() + 1
def is_sub_collection(self):
"""Return True if this collection is a sub-collection of a document in another collection."""
return self.parent is not None
def to_collection_ref(self):
"""Return this collection group as a collection ref."""
return CollectionRef(
def from_collection_ref(collectionRef: CollectionRef, documents: Documents) -> CollectionGroupRef:
"""Return a collection ref as a collection group."""
if collectionRef.parent is not None:
return CollectionGroupRef(
class Operator(Enum):
"""Valid query expression operators."""
less_than = "<"
greater_than = ">"
less_than_or_equal = "<="
greater_than_or_equal = ">="
equals = "=="
starts_with = "startsWith"
class _ExpressionBuilder:
"""Builder for creating query expressions using magic methods."""
def __init__(self, operand):
self._operand = operand
def __eq__(self, other) -> Expression:
return Expression(self._operand, Operator.equals, other)
def __lt__(self, other) -> Expression:
return Expression(self._operand, Operator.less_than, other)
def __le__(self, other) -> Expression:
return Expression(self._operand, Operator.less_than_or_equal, other)
def __gt__(self, other) -> Expression:
return Expression(self._operand, Operator.greater_than, other)
def __ge__(self, other) -> Expression:
return Expression(self._operand, Operator.greater_than_or_equal, other)
def eq(self, other) -> Expression:
return self == other
def lt(self, other) -> Expression:
return self < other
def le(self, other) -> Expression:
return self <= other
def gt(self, other) -> Expression:
return self > other
def ge(self, other) -> Expression:
return self >= other
def starts_with(self, match) -> Expression:
return Expression(self._operand, Operator.starts_with, match)
def condition(name: str) -> _ExpressionBuilder:
Construct a query expressions builder, for convenience.
Expression builders in turn provides magic methods for constructing expressions.
e.g. prop('first_name') == 'john' is equivalent to Expression('first_name, '=', 'john')
Supported operations are ==, <, >, <=, >=, .starts_with()
return _ExpressionBuilder(operand=name)
class Expression:
"""Query expressions, representing a boolean operation used for query filters."""
operand: str
operator: Union[Operator, str]
value: Union[str, int, float, bool]
def __post_init__(self):
if isinstance(self.operator, str):
# Convert string operators to their enum values
self.operator = Operator(self.operator)
def _value_to_expression_value(self):
"""Return an ExpressionValue message representation of the value of this expression."""
if isinstance(self.value, str):
return ExpressionValue(string_value=self.value)
# Check bool before numbers, because booleans are numbers.
if isinstance(self.value, bool):
return ExpressionValue(bool_value=self.value)
if isinstance(self.value, int):
return ExpressionValue(int_value=self.value)
if isinstance(self.value, float):
return ExpressionValue(double_value=self.value)
def _to_wire(self):
"""Return the Expression protobuf message representation of this expression."""
return ExpressionMessage(
def __str__(self):
return "{0} {1} {2}".format(self.operand,, self.value)
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class Document:
"""Represents a document and any associated metadata."""
_ref: DocumentRef
content: dict
def id(self):
"""Return the document's unique id."""
def collection(self) -> CollectionRef:
"""Return the CollectionRef for the collection that contains this document."""
return self._ref.parent
def ref(self):
"""Return the DocumentRef for this document."""
return self._ref
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class QueryResultsPage:
"""Represents a page of results from a query."""
paging_token: any = field(default_factory=lambda: None)
documents: List[Document] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
def has_more_pages(self) -> bool:
"""Return false if the page token is None or empty (both represent no more pages)."""
return bool(self.paging_token)
class QueryBuilder:
"""Document query builder for retrieving documents from a collection based on filters."""
_documents: Documents
_collection: CollectionRef
_paging_token: Any
_limit: int
_expressions: List[Expression]
def __init__(
documents: Documents,
collection: CollectionRef,
paging_token: Any = None,
limit: int = 0,
expressions: List[Expression] = None,
"""Construct a new QueryBuilder."""
self._documents = documents
self._collection = collection
self._paging_token = paging_token
self._limit = limit # default to unlimited.
if expressions is None:
self._expressions = []
self._expressions = expressions
def _flat_expressions(self, expressions) -> List[Expression]:
"""Process possible inputs for .where() into a flattened list of expressions."""
if isinstance(expressions, tuple) and len(expressions) == 3 and isinstance(expressions[0], str):
# handle the special case where an expression was passed in as its component arguments.
# e.g. .where('age', '<', 30) instead of .where(condition('age') > 30)
return [Expression(*expressions)]
if isinstance(expressions, Expression):
# when a single expression is received, wrap in a list and return it
return [expressions]
# flatten lists of lists into single dimension list of expressions
exps = []
for exp in expressions:
exps = exps + self._flat_expressions(exp)
return exps
def where(
*expressions: Union[
Expression, List[Expression], Union[str, Operator, int, bool, Tuple[str, Union[str, Operator], Any]]
) -> QueryBuilder:
Add a filter expression to the query.
:param expressions: a single expression or a set of expression args or a variadic/tuple/list of expressions.
.where('age', '>', 20)
.where(condition('age') > 20)
condition('age') > 20,
condition('age') < 50,
condition('age') > 20,
condition('age') < 50,
('age', '>', 20),
('age', '<', 50),
for expression in self._flat_expressions(expressions):
return self
def page_from(self, token) -> QueryBuilder:
Set the paging token for the query.
Used when requesting subsequent pages from a query.
self._paging_token = token
return self
def limit(self, limit: int) -> QueryBuilder:
"""Set the maximum number of results returned by this query."""
if limit is None or not isinstance(limit, int) or limit < 0:
raise ValueError("limit must be a positive integer or 0 for unlimited.")
self._limit = limit
return self
def _expressions_to_wire(self) -> List[ExpressionMessage]:
"""Return this queries' expressions as a list of their protobuf message representation."""
return [expressions._to_wire() for expressions in self._expressions]
async def stream(self) -> AsyncIterator[Document]:
"""Return all query results as a stream."""
# TODO: add limit, expressions and paging token to query.
if self._paging_token is not None:
raise ValueError("page_from() should not be used with streamed queries.")
async for result in self._documents._stub.query_stream(
yield _document_from_wire(documents=self._documents, message=result.document)
except GRPCError as grpc_err:
raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
async def fetch(self) -> QueryResultsPage:
Fetch a single page of results.
If a page has been fetched previously, a token can be provided via paging_from(), to fetch the subsequent pages.
results = await self._documents._stub.query(
return QueryResultsPage(
paging_token=results.paging_token if results.paging_token else None,
_document_from_wire(documents=self._documents, message=result) for result in results.documents
except GRPCError as grpc_err:
raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__repr__() == other.__repr__()
def __str__(self):
repr_str = "from {0}".format(str(self._collection))
if self._paging_token:
repr_str += ", paging token {0}".format(str(self._paging_token))
if len(self._expressions):
repr_str += ", where " + " and ".join([str(exp) for exp in self._expressions])
if self._limit != 1:
repr_str += ", limit to {0} results".format(self._limit)
return "Query({0})".format(repr_str)
def __repr__(self):
repr_str = "Documents.collection({0}).query()".format(self._collection)
if self._paging_token:
repr_str += ".page_from({0})".format(self._paging_token)
if len(self._expressions):
repr_str += "".join([".where({0})".format(str(exp)) for exp in self._expressions])
if self._limit != 1:
repr_str += ".limit({0})".format(self._limit)
return repr_str
class Documents(object):
Nitric client for interacting with document collections.
This client insulates application code from stack specific event operations or SDKs.
_stub: DocumentServiceStub
def __init__(self):
"""Construct a Nitric Document Client."""
self._channel = new_default_channel()
self._stub = DocumentServiceStub(channel=self._channel)
def __del__(self):
# close the channel when this client is destroyed
if self._channel is not None:
def collection(self, name: str) -> CollectionRef:
"""Return a reference to a document collection."""
return CollectionRef(_documents=self, name=name)
def condition(name: str) ‑> nitric.api.documents._ExpressionBuilder
Construct a query expressions builder, for convenience.
Expression builders in turn provides magic methods for constructing expressions.
e.g. prop('first_name') == 'john' is equivalent to Expression('first_name, '=', 'john')
Supported operations are ==, <, >, <=, >=, .starts_with()
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def condition(name: str) -> _ExpressionBuilder: """ Construct a query expressions builder, for convenience. Expression builders in turn provides magic methods for constructing expressions. e.g. prop('first_name') == 'john' is equivalent to Expression('first_name, '=', 'john') Supported operations are ==, <, >, <=, >=, .starts_with() """ return _ExpressionBuilder(operand=name)
class CollectionDepthException (*args, **kwargs)
The max depth of document sub-collections has been exceeded.
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class CollectionDepthException(Exception): """The max depth of document sub-collections has been exceeded.""" pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class CollectionGroupRef (_documents: Documents, name: str, parent: Union[CollectionRef, None] = <factory>)
A reference to a collection group.
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@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) class CollectionGroupRef: """A reference to a collection group.""" _documents: Documents name: str parent: Union[CollectionRef, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) def query( self, paging_token: Any = None, limit: int = 0, expressions: Union[Expression, List[Expression]] = None, ) -> QueryBuilder: """Return a query builder scoped to this collection.""" return QueryBuilder( documents=self._documents, collection=self.to_collection_ref(), paging_token=paging_token, limit=limit, expressions=[expressions] if isinstance(expressions, Expression) else expressions, ) def sub_collection_depth(self) -> int: """Return the depth of this collection group, which is a count of the parents above this collection.""" if not self.is_sub_collection(): return 0 else: return self.parent.sub_collection_depth() + 1 def is_sub_collection(self): """Return True if this collection is a sub-collection of a document in another collection.""" return self.parent is not None def to_collection_ref(self): """Return this collection group as a collection ref.""" return CollectionRef( self._documents,, DocumentRef( self._documents, self.parent, NIL_DOC_ID, ), ) @staticmethod def from_collection_ref(collectionRef: CollectionRef, documents: Documents) -> CollectionGroupRef: """Return a collection ref as a collection group.""" if collectionRef.parent is not None: return CollectionGroupRef( documents,, CollectionGroupRef.from_collection_ref( collectionRef.parent, documents, ), )
Class variables
var name : str
var parent : Optional[CollectionRef]
Static methods
def from_collection_ref(collectionRef: CollectionRef, documents: Documents) ‑> CollectionGroupRef
Return a collection ref as a collection group.
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@staticmethod def from_collection_ref(collectionRef: CollectionRef, documents: Documents) -> CollectionGroupRef: """Return a collection ref as a collection group.""" if collectionRef.parent is not None: return CollectionGroupRef( documents,, CollectionGroupRef.from_collection_ref( collectionRef.parent, documents, ), )
def is_sub_collection(self)
Return True if this collection is a sub-collection of a document in another collection.
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def is_sub_collection(self): """Return True if this collection is a sub-collection of a document in another collection.""" return self.parent is not None
def query(self, paging_token: Any = None, limit: int = 0, expressions: Union[Expression, List[Expression]] = None) ‑> QueryBuilder
Return a query builder scoped to this collection.
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def query( self, paging_token: Any = None, limit: int = 0, expressions: Union[Expression, List[Expression]] = None, ) -> QueryBuilder: """Return a query builder scoped to this collection.""" return QueryBuilder( documents=self._documents, collection=self.to_collection_ref(), paging_token=paging_token, limit=limit, expressions=[expressions] if isinstance(expressions, Expression) else expressions, )
def sub_collection_depth(self) ‑> int
Return the depth of this collection group, which is a count of the parents above this collection.
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def sub_collection_depth(self) -> int: """Return the depth of this collection group, which is a count of the parents above this collection.""" if not self.is_sub_collection(): return 0 else: return self.parent.sub_collection_depth() + 1
def to_collection_ref(self)
Return this collection group as a collection ref.
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def to_collection_ref(self): """Return this collection group as a collection ref.""" return CollectionRef( self._documents,, DocumentRef( self._documents, self.parent, NIL_DOC_ID, ), )
class CollectionRef (_documents: Documents, name: str, parent: Union[DocumentRef, None] = <factory>)
A reference to a collection of documents.
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@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) class CollectionRef: """A reference to a collection of documents.""" _documents: Documents name: str parent: Union[DocumentRef, None] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) def doc(self, doc_id: str) -> DocumentRef: """Return a reference to a document in the collection.""" return DocumentRef(_documents=self._documents, parent=self, id=doc_id) def collection(self, name: str) -> CollectionGroupRef: """ Return a reference to a sub-collection of this document. This is currently only supported to one level of depth. e.g. Documents().collection('a').collection('b').doc('c') is valid, Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').collection('d') is invalid (1 level too deep). """ current_depth = self.sub_collection_depth() if current_depth >= MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH: # Collection nesting is only supported to a maximum depth. raise CollectionDepthException( f"sub-collections supported to a depth of {MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH}, " f"attempted to create new collection with depth {current_depth + 1}" ) return CollectionGroupRef(_documents=self._documents, name=name, parent=self) def query( self, paging_token: Any = None, limit: int = 0, expressions: Union[Expression, List[Expression]] = None, ) -> QueryBuilder: """Return a query builder scoped to this collection.""" return QueryBuilder( documents=self._documents, collection=self, paging_token=paging_token, limit=limit, expressions=[expressions] if isinstance(expressions, Expression) else expressions, ) def sub_collection_depth(self) -> int: """Return the depth of this collection, which is a count of the parents above this collection.""" if not self.is_sub_collection(): return 0 else: return self.parent.parent.sub_collection_depth() + 1 def is_sub_collection(self): """Return True if this collection is a sub-collection of a document in another collection.""" return self.parent is not None
Class variables
var name : str
var parent : Optional[DocumentRef]
def collection(self, name: str) ‑> CollectionGroupRef
Return a reference to a sub-collection of this document.
This is currently only supported to one level of depth. e.g. Documents().collection('a').collection('b').doc('c') is valid, Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').collection('d') is invalid (1 level too deep).
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def collection(self, name: str) -> CollectionGroupRef: """ Return a reference to a sub-collection of this document. This is currently only supported to one level of depth. e.g. Documents().collection('a').collection('b').doc('c') is valid, Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').collection('d') is invalid (1 level too deep). """ current_depth = self.sub_collection_depth() if current_depth >= MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH: # Collection nesting is only supported to a maximum depth. raise CollectionDepthException( f"sub-collections supported to a depth of {MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH}, " f"attempted to create new collection with depth {current_depth + 1}" ) return CollectionGroupRef(_documents=self._documents, name=name, parent=self)
def doc(self, doc_id: str) ‑> DocumentRef
Return a reference to a document in the collection.
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def doc(self, doc_id: str) -> DocumentRef: """Return a reference to a document in the collection.""" return DocumentRef(_documents=self._documents, parent=self, id=doc_id)
def is_sub_collection(self)
Return True if this collection is a sub-collection of a document in another collection.
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def is_sub_collection(self): """Return True if this collection is a sub-collection of a document in another collection.""" return self.parent is not None
def query(self, paging_token: Any = None, limit: int = 0, expressions: Union[Expression, List[Expression]] = None) ‑> QueryBuilder
Return a query builder scoped to this collection.
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def query( self, paging_token: Any = None, limit: int = 0, expressions: Union[Expression, List[Expression]] = None, ) -> QueryBuilder: """Return a query builder scoped to this collection.""" return QueryBuilder( documents=self._documents, collection=self, paging_token=paging_token, limit=limit, expressions=[expressions] if isinstance(expressions, Expression) else expressions, )
def sub_collection_depth(self) ‑> int
Return the depth of this collection, which is a count of the parents above this collection.
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def sub_collection_depth(self) -> int: """Return the depth of this collection, which is a count of the parents above this collection.""" if not self.is_sub_collection(): return 0 else: return self.parent.parent.sub_collection_depth() + 1
class Document (_ref: DocumentRef, content: dict)
Represents a document and any associated metadata.
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@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) class Document: """Represents a document and any associated metadata.""" _ref: DocumentRef content: dict @property def id(self): """Return the document's unique id.""" return @property def collection(self) -> CollectionRef: """Return the CollectionRef for the collection that contains this document.""" return self._ref.parent @property def ref(self): """Return the DocumentRef for this document.""" return self._ref
Class variables
var content : dict
Instance variables
var collection : CollectionRef
Return the CollectionRef for the collection that contains this document.
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@property def collection(self) -> CollectionRef: """Return the CollectionRef for the collection that contains this document.""" return self._ref.parent
var id
Return the document's unique id.
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@property def id(self): """Return the document's unique id.""" return
var ref
Return the DocumentRef for this document.
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@property def ref(self): """Return the DocumentRef for this document.""" return self._ref
class DocumentRef (_documents: Documents, parent: CollectionRef, id: str)
A reference to a document in a collection.
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@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) class DocumentRef: """A reference to a document in a collection.""" _documents: Documents parent: CollectionRef id: str def collection(self, name: str) -> CollectionRef: """ Return a reference to a sub-collection of this document. This is currently only supported to one level of depth. e.g. Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').doc('d') is valid, Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').doc('d').collection('e') is invalid (1 level too deep). """ current_depth = self.parent.sub_collection_depth() if current_depth >= MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH: # Collection nesting is only supported to a maximum depth. raise CollectionDepthException( f"sub-collections supported to a depth of {MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH}, " f"attempted to create new collection with depth {current_depth + 1}" ) return CollectionRef(_documents=self._documents, name=name, parent=self) async def get(self) -> Document: """Retrieve the contents of this document, if it exists.""" try: response = await self._documents._stub.get( document_get_request=DocumentGetRequest(key=_doc_ref_to_wire(self)) ) return _document_from_wire(documents=self._documents, message=response.document) except GRPCError as grpc_err: raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err) async def set(self, content: dict): """ Set the contents of this document. If the document exists it will be updated, otherwise a new document will be created. """ try: await self._documents._stub.set( document_set_request=DocumentSetRequest( key=_doc_ref_to_wire(self), content=_struct_from_dict(content), ) ) except GRPCError as grpc_err: raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err) async def delete(self): """Delete this document, if it exists.""" try: await self._documents._stub.delete( document_delete_request=DocumentDeleteRequest( key=_doc_ref_to_wire(self), ) ) except GRPCError as grpc_err: raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
Class variables
var id : str
var parent : CollectionRef
def collection(self, name: str) ‑> CollectionRef
Return a reference to a sub-collection of this document.
This is currently only supported to one level of depth. e.g. Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').doc('d') is valid, Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').doc('d').collection('e') is invalid (1 level too deep).
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def collection(self, name: str) -> CollectionRef: """ Return a reference to a sub-collection of this document. This is currently only supported to one level of depth. e.g. Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').doc('d') is valid, Documents().collection('a').doc('b').collection('c').doc('d').collection('e') is invalid (1 level too deep). """ current_depth = self.parent.sub_collection_depth() if current_depth >= MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH: # Collection nesting is only supported to a maximum depth. raise CollectionDepthException( f"sub-collections supported to a depth of {MAX_SUB_COLLECTION_DEPTH}, " f"attempted to create new collection with depth {current_depth + 1}" ) return CollectionRef(_documents=self._documents, name=name, parent=self)
async def delete(self)
Delete this document, if it exists.
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async def delete(self): """Delete this document, if it exists.""" try: await self._documents._stub.delete( document_delete_request=DocumentDeleteRequest( key=_doc_ref_to_wire(self), ) ) except GRPCError as grpc_err: raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
async def get(self) ‑> Document
Retrieve the contents of this document, if it exists.
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async def get(self) -> Document: """Retrieve the contents of this document, if it exists.""" try: response = await self._documents._stub.get( document_get_request=DocumentGetRequest(key=_doc_ref_to_wire(self)) ) return _document_from_wire(documents=self._documents, message=response.document) except GRPCError as grpc_err: raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
async def set(self, content: dict)
Set the contents of this document.
If the document exists it will be updated, otherwise a new document will be created.
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async def set(self, content: dict): """ Set the contents of this document. If the document exists it will be updated, otherwise a new document will be created. """ try: await self._documents._stub.set( document_set_request=DocumentSetRequest( key=_doc_ref_to_wire(self), content=_struct_from_dict(content), ) ) except GRPCError as grpc_err: raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
class Documents
Nitric client for interacting with document collections.
This client insulates application code from stack specific event operations or SDKs.
Construct a Nitric Document Client.
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class Documents(object): """ Nitric client for interacting with document collections. This client insulates application code from stack specific event operations or SDKs. """ _stub: DocumentServiceStub def __init__(self): """Construct a Nitric Document Client.""" self._channel = new_default_channel() self._stub = DocumentServiceStub(channel=self._channel) def __del__(self): # close the channel when this client is destroyed if self._channel is not None: self._channel.close() def collection(self, name: str) -> CollectionRef: """Return a reference to a document collection.""" return CollectionRef(_documents=self, name=name)
def collection(self, name: str) ‑> CollectionRef
Return a reference to a document collection.
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def collection(self, name: str) -> CollectionRef: """Return a reference to a document collection.""" return CollectionRef(_documents=self, name=name)
class Expression (operand: str, operator: Union[Operator, str], value: Union[str, int, float, bool])
Query expressions, representing a boolean operation used for query filters.
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@dataclass(order=True) class Expression: """Query expressions, representing a boolean operation used for query filters.""" operand: str operator: Union[Operator, str] value: Union[str, int, float, bool] def __post_init__(self): if isinstance(self.operator, str): # Convert string operators to their enum values self.operator = Operator(self.operator) def _value_to_expression_value(self): """Return an ExpressionValue message representation of the value of this expression.""" if isinstance(self.value, str): return ExpressionValue(string_value=self.value) # Check bool before numbers, because booleans are numbers. if isinstance(self.value, bool): return ExpressionValue(bool_value=self.value) if isinstance(self.value, int): return ExpressionValue(int_value=self.value) if isinstance(self.value, float): return ExpressionValue(double_value=self.value) def _to_wire(self): """Return the Expression protobuf message representation of this expression.""" return ExpressionMessage( operand=self.operand, operator=self.operator.value, value=self._value_to_expression_value(), ) def __str__(self): return "{0} {1} {2}".format(self.operand,, self.value)
Class variables
var operand : str
var operator : Union[Operator, str]
var value : Union[str, int, float, bool]
class Operator (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Valid query expression operators.
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class Operator(Enum): """Valid query expression operators.""" less_than = "<" greater_than = ">" less_than_or_equal = "<=" greater_than_or_equal = ">=" equals = "==" starts_with = "startsWith"
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var equals
var greater_than
var greater_than_or_equal
var less_than
var less_than_or_equal
var starts_with
class QueryBuilder (documents: Documents, collection: CollectionRef, paging_token: Any = None, limit: int = 0, expressions: List[Expression] = None)
Document query builder for retrieving documents from a collection based on filters.
Construct a new QueryBuilder.
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class QueryBuilder: """Document query builder for retrieving documents from a collection based on filters.""" _documents: Documents _collection: CollectionRef _paging_token: Any _limit: int _expressions: List[Expression] def __init__( self, documents: Documents, collection: CollectionRef, paging_token: Any = None, limit: int = 0, expressions: List[Expression] = None, ): """Construct a new QueryBuilder.""" self._documents = documents self._collection = collection self._paging_token = paging_token self._limit = limit # default to unlimited. if expressions is None: self._expressions = [] else: self._expressions = expressions def _flat_expressions(self, expressions) -> List[Expression]: """Process possible inputs for .where() into a flattened list of expressions.""" if isinstance(expressions, tuple) and len(expressions) == 3 and isinstance(expressions[0], str): # handle the special case where an expression was passed in as its component arguments. # e.g. .where('age', '<', 30) instead of .where(condition('age') > 30) return [Expression(*expressions)] if isinstance(expressions, Expression): # when a single expression is received, wrap in a list and return it return [expressions] else: # flatten lists of lists into single dimension list of expressions exps = [] for exp in expressions: exps = exps + self._flat_expressions(exp) return exps def where( self, *expressions: Union[ Expression, List[Expression], Union[str, Operator, int, bool, Tuple[str, Union[str, Operator], Any]] ], ) -> QueryBuilder: """ Add a filter expression to the query. :param expressions: a single expression or a set of expression args or a variadic/tuple/list of expressions. Examples -------- .where('age', '>', 20) .where(condition('age') > 20) .where(condition('age').gt(20)) .where( condition('age') > 20, condition('age') < 50, ) .where( [ condition('age') > 20, condition('age') < 50, ] ) .where( ('age', '>', 20), ('age', '<', 50), ) """ for expression in self._flat_expressions(expressions): self._expressions.append(expression) return self def page_from(self, token) -> QueryBuilder: """ Set the paging token for the query. Used when requesting subsequent pages from a query. """ self._paging_token = token return self def limit(self, limit: int) -> QueryBuilder: """Set the maximum number of results returned by this query.""" if limit is None or not isinstance(limit, int) or limit < 0: raise ValueError("limit must be a positive integer or 0 for unlimited.") self._limit = limit return self def _expressions_to_wire(self) -> List[ExpressionMessage]: """Return this queries' expressions as a list of their protobuf message representation.""" return [expressions._to_wire() for expressions in self._expressions] async def stream(self) -> AsyncIterator[Document]: """Return all query results as a stream.""" # TODO: add limit, expressions and paging token to query. if self._paging_token is not None: raise ValueError("page_from() should not be used with streamed queries.") try: async for result in self._documents._stub.query_stream( document_query_stream_request=DocumentQueryStreamRequest( collection=_collection_to_wire(self._collection), expressions=self._expressions_to_wire(), limit=self._limit, ) ): yield _document_from_wire(documents=self._documents, message=result.document) except GRPCError as grpc_err: raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err) async def fetch(self) -> QueryResultsPage: """ Fetch a single page of results. If a page has been fetched previously, a token can be provided via paging_from(), to fetch the subsequent pages. """ try: results = await self._documents._stub.query( document_query_request=DocumentQueryRequest( collection=_collection_to_wire(self._collection), expressions=self._expressions_to_wire(), limit=self._limit, paging_token=self._paging_token, ) ) return QueryResultsPage( paging_token=results.paging_token if results.paging_token else None, documents=[ _document_from_wire(documents=self._documents, message=result) for result in results.documents ], ) except GRPCError as grpc_err: raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__repr__() == other.__repr__() def __str__(self): repr_str = "from {0}".format(str(self._collection)) if self._paging_token: repr_str += ", paging token {0}".format(str(self._paging_token)) if len(self._expressions): repr_str += ", where " + " and ".join([str(exp) for exp in self._expressions]) if self._limit != 1: repr_str += ", limit to {0} results".format(self._limit) return "Query({0})".format(repr_str) def __repr__(self): repr_str = "Documents.collection({0}).query()".format(self._collection) if self._paging_token: repr_str += ".page_from({0})".format(self._paging_token) if len(self._expressions): repr_str += "".join([".where({0})".format(str(exp)) for exp in self._expressions]) if self._limit != 1: repr_str += ".limit({0})".format(self._limit) return repr_str
async def fetch(self) ‑> QueryResultsPage
Fetch a single page of results.
If a page has been fetched previously, a token can be provided via paging_from(), to fetch the subsequent pages.
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async def fetch(self) -> QueryResultsPage: """ Fetch a single page of results. If a page has been fetched previously, a token can be provided via paging_from(), to fetch the subsequent pages. """ try: results = await self._documents._stub.query( document_query_request=DocumentQueryRequest( collection=_collection_to_wire(self._collection), expressions=self._expressions_to_wire(), limit=self._limit, paging_token=self._paging_token, ) ) return QueryResultsPage( paging_token=results.paging_token if results.paging_token else None, documents=[ _document_from_wire(documents=self._documents, message=result) for result in results.documents ], ) except GRPCError as grpc_err: raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
def limit(self, limit: int) ‑> QueryBuilder
Set the maximum number of results returned by this query.
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def limit(self, limit: int) -> QueryBuilder: """Set the maximum number of results returned by this query.""" if limit is None or not isinstance(limit, int) or limit < 0: raise ValueError("limit must be a positive integer or 0 for unlimited.") self._limit = limit return self
def page_from(self, token) ‑> QueryBuilder
Set the paging token for the query.
Used when requesting subsequent pages from a query.
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def page_from(self, token) -> QueryBuilder: """ Set the paging token for the query. Used when requesting subsequent pages from a query. """ self._paging_token = token return self
async def stream(self) ‑> AsyncIterator[Document]
Return all query results as a stream.
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async def stream(self) -> AsyncIterator[Document]: """Return all query results as a stream.""" # TODO: add limit, expressions and paging token to query. if self._paging_token is not None: raise ValueError("page_from() should not be used with streamed queries.") try: async for result in self._documents._stub.query_stream( document_query_stream_request=DocumentQueryStreamRequest( collection=_collection_to_wire(self._collection), expressions=self._expressions_to_wire(), limit=self._limit, ) ): yield _document_from_wire(documents=self._documents, message=result.document) except GRPCError as grpc_err: raise exception_from_grpc_error(grpc_err)
def where(self, *expressions: Union[Expression, List[Expression], Union[str, Operator, int, bool, Tuple[str, Union[str, Operator], Any]]]) ‑> QueryBuilder
Add a filter expression to the query.
:param expressions: a single expression or a set of expression args or a variadic/tuple/list of expressions.
.where('age', '>', 20) .where(condition('age') > 20) .where(condition('age').gt(20)) .where( condition('age') > 20, condition('age') < 50, ) .where( [ condition('age') > 20, condition('age') < 50, ] ) .where( ('age', '>', 20), ('age', '<', 50), )
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def where( self, *expressions: Union[ Expression, List[Expression], Union[str, Operator, int, bool, Tuple[str, Union[str, Operator], Any]] ], ) -> QueryBuilder: """ Add a filter expression to the query. :param expressions: a single expression or a set of expression args or a variadic/tuple/list of expressions. Examples -------- .where('age', '>', 20) .where(condition('age') > 20) .where(condition('age').gt(20)) .where( condition('age') > 20, condition('age') < 50, ) .where( [ condition('age') > 20, condition('age') < 50, ] ) .where( ('age', '>', 20), ('age', '<', 50), ) """ for expression in self._flat_expressions(expressions): self._expressions.append(expression) return self
class QueryResultsPage (paging_token: any = <factory>, documents: List[Document] = <factory>)
Represents a page of results from a query.
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@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True) class QueryResultsPage: """Represents a page of results from a query.""" paging_token: any = field(default_factory=lambda: None) documents: List[Document] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) def has_more_pages(self) -> bool: """Return false if the page token is None or empty (both represent no more pages).""" return bool(self.paging_token)
Class variables
var documents : List[Document]
var paging_token :
def has_more_pages(self) ‑> bool
Return false if the page token is None or empty (both represent no more pages).
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def has_more_pages(self) -> bool: """Return false if the page token is None or empty (both represent no more pages).""" return bool(self.paging_token)